Friday, January 11, 2013

Testing, Testing 1… 2… 3…

Well, I’m getting ready to spend a semester studying in Rome, and part of the preparation includes starting a blog. It seems like everyone I know wants me to keep in touch and tell them about my experience. Rather than keeping a long list of people to send emails to, I decided it would be easier to keep a blog. Of course, I never had a blog before, and I’m not entirely certain about how to proceed.

That’s the primary reason for this post. I want to figure out how blogging works while I am still home and can ask questions of my little sister (who has been blogging for some time now). She’s the one who helped me set up this blog in the first place, and showed me how to change the background… and add those side-bar thingies… and how to post … and a lot of other things which I don’t remember how to do.

In retrospect, it might have been easier just to send everybody emails. Still, emails are like letters, and I always have a hard time writing letters. In contrast, a blog allows me to simply ramble on about this and that until I feel like I’ve said enough. And I have probably already said enough for this post since it is only supposed to be a test post, and since I am still packing and preparing for Rome and don’t have anything to say except,  “Hey there, I’m starting a blog…” which you already know…   because you are reading it…

Now excuse me while I ask my little sister how to post this…



  1. Huzzah! Andrew's blogging!

    I am happy to hear that you arrived safely, and hope that you are adjusting well.

    CJ has given you good advice. This first post was amusing - I look forward to reading more.

  2. I enjoy reading your blog...keep 'em coming! Happy B-day...hopefully no Roman candles on your cake.
